
Selecting a strong and effective facilitator who is appropriate to the task requires some careful thought. Maitland will discuss with you what you want to achieve with the facilitator and then talk to you about a range of possible facilitators, style and approaches.
Do you want a facilitator who takes you through a structured process or do you want a facilitator who has a structured approach and can also offer external insight and challenge the group by drawing on their consulting skills? This adds another dimension to the facilitated session.
Is the session about strategic or operational planning, or is it a session bringing internal and external stakeholders together? Is it part facilitation and part developmental workshop? Do you want the facilitator to have any knowledge about the topic or your specific industry or do you want someone who has no previous exposure to your industry? Will it be a friendly and positive environment or is there potential the session may become challenging for the facilitator?
No matter what the focus or topic of the session contact us to ensure a successfully facilitated session.